Interactive App concept
I'm taking an art class at the moment that focuses on the art of information design. I've taken classes before to convey ideas and tell a story, but this class pushes the "DO NOT USE WORDS" task to the limit.

We were first asked to chose a simple chore to perform, one that only has a handful of steps to complete. I thought of how to make a pizza, but it requires too many ingredients for this assignment, and I came to the same conclusion with "How to start a YouTube channel", "Make an omelette", or "Assemble IKEA furniture". So, I chose the obvious option: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.

We were then tasked with free-drawing ideas to go into the idea. I fully admit that I am not particularly fond of drawing by hand.
I added some vector graphics to the mix, since that is my bread-and-butter... err... peanut butter. (dad-joke, activate!)

My first drafts of the PB&J were varied, but good. My knife was... sad, to say the least.
The idea for the project was to make an app with a list of menu slots, then a tools/ingredients page, and finally the steps of completion. We were then asked to get blind feedback from people around us about what they think the images are trying to say.

However, the rough drafts conveyed a wide spectrum of answers, ranging from "Oh yeah, that's a PB&J" to "It's a sandwich standing in between the warring tribes of the kitchen, covering themselves with the blood of their fallen comrades."


I think sometimes I should find new friends.

But, after redoing the drafts into something more polished, I got better answers.
In addition to the designs, we needed to create an interactive app simulator on AdobeXD, which can be viewed here:

The following is the wireframe model of how that app is structured, and where clicks will take you.
And to commemorate the completion of another art project, I committed my artwork into a 3D scene that shows off the idea. I made a cellphone model based off of the vector shape seen above, and set it into a scattered scene of cellphones and blocks, showing off the glow of the screen reflected in the matte-mirror surface of the floor.

And to conclude this Behance article, I present: "PBJ le 3D".

